What Amasty extensions support API?

What Amasty extensions support API?

Each Amasty extension that has API support, includes the etc/webapi.xml file. The webapi.xml file contains API configurations with the list of available API requests. For example, a request from the Custom Form module interface: 

1 - endpoint URL;
2 - HTTP method;
3 - module interface class that handles the request;
4 - module method that is used to execute the request.

Usually, there are 4 basic methods in the API from HTTP:

GET - getting an object\an array of objects (without changing it);
POST - creation of a new object;
PUT - changing an already created object;
DELETE - deleting an object.
If you have access to the extension, you may check the available API requests in the /Module_Name/etc/webapi.xml file. In case the file does not exist, the corresponding module does not have API interfaces now. 

Below, you may find the table with the info about API interfaces present in our extensions.

✓ - the extension supports the method;
〜 - the main extension doesn't support the method, but its submodule does;
○ - the extension supports the method and works both separately and with other extensions from the mentioned list;
 - the extension doesn't support the method. 

Improved Layered Navigation (via Shop By Base and Shop by Page submodules)
Shop by Brand (via Shop by Page submodule)
One Step Checkout 
(via OSC Core, OSC Delivery Date and OSC Gift Wrap submodules)
Product Attachments
(via API add-on)
Advanced Conditions (+ Reward Points, Extra Fee, Free Gift, Shipping Rules, Shipping Restrictions)
Promo Banners Lite (+Free Gift, Special Promotions, Special Promotions Pro, Loyalty Program)
Customer Attributes (via Customer Login Attributes Submodule)
Import Export (via Import Export Core submodule)
RMA (Pro & Premium)

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