Abandoned Cart Email API

Abandoned Cart Email API

1. Amasty\Acart\Api\BlacklistRepositoryInterface - class for managing blacklist data.
  1. GET /V1/amasty_acart/blacklist/:id, method="getById" - get a blacklist entry by ID;
  2. GET /V1/amasty_acart/blacklist/getByCustomerEmail/:customerEmail, method="getByCustomerEmail" - get a blacklist entry by customer email address;
  3. GET /V1/amasty_acart/blacklist/all, method="getList" - get a list of all blacklist entries;
  4. POST /V1/amasty_acart/blacklist, method="save" - add email to a blacklist;
  5. PUT /V1/amasty_acart/blacklist/:id, method="save" - edit a blacklisted email;
  6. DELETE /V1/amasty_acart/blacklist/:id, method="deleteById" - delete an email from blacklist.