1. Amasty\RequestQuote\Api\RemarkServiceInterface:
- PUT /V1/amasty_quote/updateRemark, method="save" - add information to the Remark field.
2. Amasty\RequestQuote\Api\QuoteRepositoryInterface - class for managing quotes:
- PUT /V1/amasty_quote/approve/:quoteId, method="approve" - approve a quote;
- PUT /V1/amasty_quote/expire/:quoteId, method="expire" - mark a quote as expired;
- GET /V1/amasty_quote/search, method="getRequestsList" - get a list of all requests;
- PUT /V1/amasty_quote/quote/note/customer:quoteId, method="addCustomerNote" - add customer comment to the quote;
- PUT /V1/amasty_quote/quote/note/admin:quoteId, method="addAdminNote" - add admin comment to the quote.
3. Amasty\RequestQuote\Api\QuoteItemRepositoryInterface - class for managing quote items:
- PUT /V1/amasty_quote/quote_item/note/customer:quoteId, method="addCustomerNote" - add customer comment to a quote item;
- PUT /V1/amasty_quote/quote_item/note/admin:quoteId, method="addAdminNote" - add admin comment to a quote item;
- GET /V1/quote-carts/:quoteId/items, method="getList" - get list of quote items;
- POST /V1/quote-carts/:quoteId/items, method="save" - save quote items;
- DELETE /V1/quote-carts/:quoteId/items/:itemId, method="deleteById" - delete items from the quote cart;
- GET /V1/quote-carts/mine/items, method="getList" - get list of my quote cart items.
4. Amasty\RequestQuote\Api\QuoteManagementInterface - class for managing quote carts:
- POST /V1/quote-carts, method="createEmptyQuoteCart" - create an empty quote cart;
- POST /V1/customers/:customerId/quote-carts, method="createEmptyQuoteCartForCustomer" - create an empty quote cart by customer ID;
- PUT /V1/quote-carts/:quoteId, method="assignCustomer" - assign a customer to a quote;
- POST /V1/quote-carts/mine, method="createEmptyQuoteCartForCustomer" - create an empty quote cart;
- GET /V1/quote-carts/mine, method="getQuoteCartForCustomer" - get info about a quote cart;
- POST /V1/quote-carts/:quoteId/in-cart, method="moveInCart" - move items to cart;
- POST /V1/quote-carts/mine/in-quote, method="moveInQuote" - move items to quote cart;
- PUT /V1/quote-carts/mine/update-customer-note, method="updateCustomerNote" - edit customer quote cart note;
- DELETE /V1/quote-carts/mine/clear, method="clear" - clear quote cart.
5. Amasty\RequestQuote\Api\QuoteItemManagementInterface
- POST /V1/quote-carts/mine/items, method="save" - save items in my quote cart;
- PUT /V1/quote-carts/mine/items/:itemId, method="save" - save an item in my quote cart.
6. Amasty\RequestQuote\Api\QuoteServiceInterface: