B2B Company Account API

B2B Company Account API

1. Amasty\CompanyAccount\Api\CompanyRepositoryInterface - class for managing company accounts.
  1. GET /V1/amcompany/company/:companyId, method="getById" - get information about the company by its ID;
  2. POST /V1/amcompany/company, method="save" - create a company account;
  3. PUT /V1/amcompany/company/:companyId, method="save" - edit a company account;
  4. DELETE /V1/amcompany/company/:companyId, method="deleteById" - delete a company account by its ID.

2. Amasty\CompanyAccount\Api\CreditRepositoryInterface - class for managing company credit balance.
  1. PUT /V1/amcompany/credit/:companyId, method="save" - edit company credit balance;
  2. GET /V1/amcompany/credit/:companyId, method="getByCompanyId" - view company credit balance.

3. Amasty\CompanyAccount\Api\CustomerRepositoryInterface - class for managing users within company accounts.
  1. POST /V1/amcompany/customer/:companyId, method="assignToCompany" - add user to a company account;
  2. DLETE /V1/amcompany/customer/:customerId, method="delete" - delete user from a company account.

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