Shipping Table Rates API

Shipping Table Rates API

The methods listed below are not implemented by our module but are part of Magento itself. Our Shipping Table Rates module does not introduce its own API methods for the exclusive managing of rates created by the extension. However, all the Magento methods below do display our rates, and it's possible to choose them when placing an order.
  1. GET /V1/guest-carts/:cartId/shipping-methods -  get all shipping methods in a guest cart;
  2. GET /V1/carts/:cartId/shipping-methods - get all shipping methods;
  3. GET /V1/carts/mine/shipping-methods - get all shipping methods available for selection;
  4. POST /V1/carts/mine/shipping-information - choose a rate;
  5. V1/carts/mine/payment-information - place an order with our shipping method.