How to assign images to products?

How to assign images to products?

Our application provides the flexibility to assign images either automatically or manually, with the ability to configure the assignment logic in the general settings. Here’s a simple overview of how the image assignment works and the options you can choose from.

General Settings

To begin, go to Apps > PicManager > Settings, where you can set up your general assignment logic. Start by selecting the Matching criterion that best suits your needs:

SKU (assign to parent product and simple products) will allow you to assign the image to parent options and simple products by SKU, omitting the product variants.
SKU (assign to variants, parent products and simple products)  will assign the image by SKU to any corresponding product including variants.
Title (assign to parent product and simple products) will allow you to assign the image to parent options and simple products by product title, omitting the product variants.
Title (assign to variants, parent product and simple products) will assign the image by product title to any corresponding product including variants.

Once you have set the matching criterion, specify the matching type:

Full match will assign the image to a product, if the image title fully corresponds to the product title or SKU (for example, image title white_snowboard.jpg > product name White Snowboard).
Partial match, on the other hand, will allow you to assign the image to the product SKU, (for instance, image title White.jpg > product name White Snowboard).
Full match is case-sensitive, so if your image titles or product titles include capital letters, we suggest using the Partial Match mode.

The setting Avoid Duplicates will help you to prevent duplicate uploads when an image needs to be assigned to multiple products.

When this setting is enabled, alt tags will not be added to any images.

If you upload several images to a single product at once, you will also need to set the corresponding separator type:

Our solution will allow selecting 3 separator types: dashes, hyphens or underscores. 
Please, ensure that the selected separator is not included into the image name. For instance, If you choose '_' as the separator, a valid image name would be 'image_1.jpg' where 'image' does not contain '_'. An invalid image name would be 'image_name_1.jpg' where 'image_name' contains the '_' character.

Finally, select whether you like to generate Alt tags for images and if the tags should be based on the Product title or Variant title:

Once all options are set up, you can proceed to the Automatic or Manual image upload.

Automatic Upload

To upload images automatically in bulk, navigate to Apps > PicManager > Upload images > Automatic assign:

At the moment, we have a limit of 1000 images and a maximum file size that can be processed at once. We recommend keeping your batch size between 250 and 400 images for optimal performance.

You can drop your files from your computer or upload them from Dropbox or Google Drive:

Next, the images will be matched to products according to the logic set in the general configuration. Any images that don’t match a product will be skipped during the upload process. If you find that the images aren’t matching with products as expected, please refer to this checklist
 for troubleshooting.
Select the required upload strategy and click Finish Upload:

Keep in mind that using the Replace strategy will overwrite the existing images, and these changes cannot be undone.

Manual Upload

With manual upload, you have the ability to specify which products the images should be linked to or link a single image to several products. To manually assign images to products, go to Apps > PicManager > Image Upload > Manual Assign.

As the next step, upload your image and click Start Uploading. Choose to upload images to selected products:

Once done, you will get a pop-up where you can select the products to upload the images to:

You can select one or several products by clicking the checkboxes in the pop-up and click Select. As the next step, please, click Continue:

Select the required upload strategy and click Finish Upload:

Keep in mind that using the Replace strategy will overwrite the existing images, and these changes cannot be undone.