Customer Attributes
What features are included in each tariff plan of Customer Attributes?
LITE Features: - custom registration fields; - 11 input types (including file upload); - 11 validation types - attribute dependencies; - an option to add customer attributes to the checkout page (shipping section); - reports. PRO Lite plan + Login by ...
How to create a promotion based on the Customer Attributes values?
To create a cart price rule based on the Customer Attributes conditions, you will need our Custom Promo Conditions or Special Promotions Pro extensions. The mentioned modules expand the condition options and allow selecting custom attributes created ...
Is it possible to show/hide a child attribute on the shipping page depending on the parent attribute value previously selected on the registration page?
Unfortunately, such a scenario can't be implemented in the Customer Attributes M2 extension. To make an attribute relation work, both Customer Attributes should be displayed on the same page. As an alternative option, you may configure two attributes ...
My Customer Attribute relations don't work, how can I check if anything is not configured correctly?
We'd recommend you check which attribute is used as a parent attribute in the relation. Customer Attributes relations could be created only for parent attributes with the following types: Multiple Select; Dropdown; Multiple Checkbox Select with ...
Why don't the Customer Attributes relations work while placing an order in the Backend?
It is the expected extension behavior. According to the Customer Attributes extension logic, attribute relations don't work for orders created in the Backend, since store admins are believed to know the store logic. That's why they are able to view ...
I need the shipping cost to be changed when a particular Customer Attribute value is selected, is it possible to do with the extension?
A feature to change the shipping cost depending on the Customer Attribute value has not been implemented in the Customer Attributes for Magento 2. As a possible solution, we would recommend considering our Extra Fee for Magento 2 extension. It allows ...
Is it possible to allow customers to upload files using the Customer Attributes M2 extension?
Yes, to provide such an option, you may create a Customer Attribute with the Single file upload type. Here is how this attribute is displayed on the registration page:
I used the Customer Attributes on Magento 1 and recently I have migrated to Magento 2. How can I migrate the Customer Attributes settings to the new instance?
Unfortunately, there is no way to migrate the extension settings directly to a new environment due to the differences in the architecture of Magento 1 and 2. However, if you need to import Customer Attributes to the customer information it can be ...
I want to use your Customer Attributes in scripts/customizations. How may I get their values from the code?
To get the Customer Attributes values from the code, you may use the strings provided below: $сustomerRepository = $objectManager->get('Magento\Customer\Api\CustomerRepositoryInterface'); $сustomer = $сustomerRepository->getById(); ...
Is the Customer Attributes M2 compatible with the One Step Checkout extension?
The extensions work smoothly together. It is possible to add Customer Attributes of various types to be displayed on the One Step Checkout page. To make an attribute appear on the checkout page, the following option should be enabled in the attribute ...