GraphQL Application Server Compatibility
Amasty has introduced additional GraphQL Application Server compatibility package. This package is listed in the 'suggest' section of the composer.json file. Please ensure that you install the corresponding package via Composer using the following ...
Multiple Coupons | GraphQL methods
Kindly note that the GraphQL functionality for Multiple Coupons is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription. Query amGetCouponsByCartId description: get coupons by cart id Mutations amApplyCouponsToCart ...
Multiple Wishlist | GraphQL methods
Query amGetWishlists description: get array of wishlists for the requested page amGetRecentlyUpdatedWishlists description: get recently updated wishlists Mutations amCreateWishlist description: create new wishlist amAddProductsToWishlist description: ...
Improved Layered Navigation | GraphQL methods
The Improved Layered Navigation extension doesn't have its own GraphQL requests. Instead, it extends the default Magento requests by introducing supplementary details. You can get additional information stored by the Improved Layered Navigation ...
What Amasty extensions support GraphQL?
Amasty has introduced additional GraphQL packages for extensions that are GraphQL compatible. These packages are listed in the 'suggest' section of the composer.json file. As a result, they are not automatically installed with the main module. To ...
SEO Toolkit | GraphQL
The SEO Toolkit extension doesn't have its own GraphQL requests. Instead, it extends the default Magento types ProductInterface, CategoryInterface and CmsPage by introducing supplementary details. You can get additional information stored by SEO ...
Pre Order | GraphQL
The Pre Order extension doesn't have its own GraphQL requests. Instead, it complements the default Magento ProductInterface with additional data. When compiling a request for product information via Magento functionality, you will also get the ...
Color Swatches Pro | GraphQL
The Color Swatches Pro extension doesn't have its own GraphQL requests. Instead, it complements the default Magento type ConfigurableProduct by introducing supplementary details. When you send a request to Magento for configurable items, you can also ...
Store Locator | GraphQl methods
Queries amStoreLocatorAttributesToFilter description: get location attributes searchAmStoreLocations (filter: AmStoreLocationsFilterInput, pageSize: Int, currentPage: Int = 1) description: search all locations with filter Mutations ...
Cookie Consent (GDPR) | GraphQL methods
Queries getAmCookieGroups description: get cookie groups information getAmCookieBar description: get cookie bar information getAmCookieSettingsBar description: get cookie settings bar information Mutations logAmCookieConsent(input: ...
Order Attributes | GraphQL methods
Queries amOrderattrAvailableAttributes (cartId: String!) description: get the list of available order attributes amOrderattrAttributesRelations description: get information about order attribute relations Mutations saveAmOrderattrValues (cartId: ...
Request a Quote | GraphQL methods
Queries isQuoteCartEnabled description: check if request a quote is enabled. Includes check for customer group quoteCart (cartId: String!) description: return information about the specified shopping cart customerQuoteCart description: return ...
FAQ and Product Questions | GraphQL methods
Queries getAmFaqSettings description: get FAQ module settings searchAmFaqCategories (filter: AmFaqCategoryFilterInput, pageSize: Int = 10, currentPage: Int = 1, sort: AmFaqCategorySortInput) description: search all FAQ categories by keyword with ...
Free Gift | GraphQL methods
Queries amPromoGetAvailableFreeGifts (cartId: String!) description: get the list of available promo items Mutations amPromoAddFreeGiftsToCart (cartId: String!, promoItems: [amPromoItemInput!]) description: add promo items to the cart
Extra Fee | GraphQL methods
Queries getListFeeItems description: get a list of created fees getFeeItemsForQuote(cart_id: String!) description: get a list of fees available in the current cart getFeeOptions(fee_id: Int!, store_id: Int!) description: get a list of fee options ...
Out of Stock Notification | GraphQL methods
Mutations AmxnotifStockSubscribe (input: AmxnotifSubscribeInput) description: Subscribe to product comes back in stock alert AmxnotifPriceSubscribe (input: AmxnotifSubscribeInput) description: Subscribe to product price changes
Product Attachments | GraphQL methods
Queries getAmProductAttachmentSettings description: get Product Attachment module settings getAmFiles (ids: [Int]) description: get info about uploaded files
Instagram Feed | GraphQL methods
Queries getInstagramWidget (widgetId: Int!) description: get data about an Instagram widget getInstagramPosts (page: Int!, sortField: Int, limit: Int = 20) description: get array of post data for the requested page and with the specified sorting ...
Product Option Templates | GraphQL methods
Queries amProductOptionsProvider (productId: Int) description: get information about product options by product ID
Improved Sorting | GraphQL methods
Queries amfeaturedWidget (sortBy: String!, amsortingSortOrder: String!, productsCount: Int!, conditions: String!, showPager: Boolean, productsPerPage: Int, currentPage: Int) description: get information about Sorting Featured Products widget ...
Banner Slider | GraphQL methods
Queries amGetSliderWidget (id: Int @doc(description: "Widget ID.")) description: information about silder widget amGetSlider (id: Int @doc(description: "Slider ID.")) description: information about slider
RMA | GraphQL methods
Quries getAmRmaSettings description: a list of customer's return requests getAmRmaReturnsForCurrentCustomer description: get a list of customer's return requests getAmRmaReturnById (request_id: Int!) description: get Return Request by ID ...
GDPR | GraphQL methods
Queries amGetGdprConsents (location: String) description: information about GDRP consents amGetGdprAccount description: information about GDPR account settings amGetGdprPolicyText (id: Int) description: get GDPR policy text Mutations ...
Reward Points | GraphQL methods
Queries rewards description: get information about customer reward points guestRewards (page: Int!) description: get information about highlight points available for guest getRewardsStatistic description: get report about reward points statistics ...
One Step Checkout | GraphQL methods
Queries getAdditionalFields (cartId: String!) description: get information about additional fields getDefaultIpData description: get information about default IP address getAvailableShippingMethods (cartId: String!) description: get the information ...
Custom Stock Status | GraphQL methods
Query getAmCustomStockStatus description: get information about a stock status
Social Login | GraphQL methods
Queries amSocialLoginAccountData description: get a list of linked accounts amSocialLoginButtonConfig description: get information about Social Login button configurations Mutations amSocialLoginLinkAccount (type: String!) description: link account ...
Mega Menu | GraphQL
Queries amMegaMenuTree description: get menu tree amMegaMenuAll description: get all menu items amMegaMenuWidget description: get information about the Amasty MegaMenu Products Widget
Landing Pages | GraphQL methods
Query amlanding (id: Int! @doc(description: "Landing Id")) description: get information about a landing page
Shop by Brand | GraphQL methods
Queries ambrandlist (imageWidth: Int, imageHeight: Int, showCount: Boolean, displayZero: Boolean) description: show brands without products ambrandslider (imageWidth: Int, imageHeight: Int, sortBy: String, displayZero: Boolean) description: show ...
Elastic Search and Advanced Search | GraphQL methods
Queries xsearchProducts (search: String) description: products matching customers' search query xsearchRelatedTerms (search: String) description: get related search terms by query xsearchRecentlyViewed description: get an array of recently viewed ...
Advanced Product Reviews | GraphQL methods
Queries advreview description: get product reviews amReviewSetting description: get Advanced Product Reviews module settings amReviewWidget description: get information about Reviews widget Mutations addAdvReview description: add review addAdvComment ...
Custom Form | GraphQL methods
Queries customform (formId: Int) description: get information about custom form by ID Mutations amCustomFormSubmit (input: AmFormSubmitInput) description: submit form
Product Labels | GraphQL methods
Queries amLabelSetting description: get information about Product Labels module settings amLabelProvider (productIds: [Int], mode: AmLabelMode) description: get information about labels by product ID
Automatic Related Products | GraphQL methods
Queries amMostviewedGroups -(uid: String!, position: String) description: get information about related product rules amMostviewedBundlePacks (uid: String) description: get information about bundle packs
Blog Pro | GraphQL methods
Queries amBlogSetting description: get blog pro module settings amBlogPost (id: Int, urlKey: String) description: get post information about a post by ID amBlogPosts (type: AmBlogPageType, page: Int, entityId: Int) description: get an array of posts ...
Gift Card | GraphQL methods
Queries amGiftCardAccount(input: AmGiftCardAccountInput!) description: get gift card account information by code amGiftCardSetting description: get gift card module settings amGiftCardPreview(input: AmGiftCardPreviewInput) description: get rendered ...