Will extension generate a ready to use GTM container?

Will extension generate a ready to use GTM container?

It is necessary to create a container in the GTM account, as GTM Web Container ID, Tag Manager Account ID and Tag Manager Container ID will be needed for the correct configuration of the extension. Detailed instructions on how to find the relevant IDs are available in the user guide.

Nevertheless, after configuring the extension, it is possible to generate a JSON file with all the variables, tags, and events by clicking on the "Generate and Download Json for Variables, Triggers and Tags" button.

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After configuring the extension, it is possible to generate a JSON file with the tags and events
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This file can be imported in the Google Tag Manager to a corresponding container by navigating to Admin > Container > Import Container.

There will be no need to create triggers, variables, tags, and events manually, they will be imported with the help of the JSON file.

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