Why is the feature grayed out and not available?

Why is the feature grayed out and not available?

The Rewards Points module includes some packages with additional features that should be installed separately. All these features are available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription.

1. To unlock the feature to award reward points for new customer invitations (their signup through a referral link):

Please install the amasty/module-rewards-referral module. Please add the additional amasty/module-rewards-referral-hyva package for compatibility with Hyva theme:

2. To allow customers to share their orders on Facebook and earn reward points, please install the amasty/module-rewards-facebook module. Once done, a new action will appear in the Reward Rule:

3. To unlock the setting that provides the possibility of covering shipping with reward points:

Please install the amasty/module-reward-points-shipping module: 

4. Reward Points PRO version includes the amasty/module-rewards-pro-functionality module, which provides the possibility of awarding reward points based on order status:
— before the module installation: 

— after the module installation:

To install the modules correctly, please refer to our User Guide about the module installation: How to install the extension?

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