Why is my three-column checkout displayed in two columns?

Why is my three-column checkout displayed in two columns?

The functionality of the One Step Checkout extension strongly depends on the performance of the default Magento checkout. According to Magento logic, downloadable and virtual products do not require shipping data to be filled in, as they have no weight and do not need physical delivery. Consequently, shipping blocks are not shown in the one-page checkout for digital products, and the layout has fewer columns than stated in the configurations.

Here is the checkout layout example of the default Magento for virtual items:

And here is the page display provided by the One Step Checkout module:

As soon as a tangible product is added to the cart, the shipping details will appear as usual.

In case the items in your shopping cart are not digital, but the checkout layout is still not displayed properly, please, do hot hesitate to contact us.
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