Where can I find the Promo Banners Lite module and its version?
Promo Banners Lite is a system module included in the Special Promotions, Special Promotions Pro, and Free Gift packages. This module is not available separately and can only be downloaded as part of one of the mentioned packages.
To verify the latest version of the Promo Banners Lite module available in your account, use the following Composer command:
composer show -a amasty/module-banners-lite
This command will provide detailed information about the available module versions as well as the one installed in your environment:
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Promo Banners Lite API
1. Amasty\BannersLite\Api\UploadFileInterface POST /V1/ambannerslite/banners/uploadFile, method="upload" - add a new banner via file upload.
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