Request a Quote | GraphQL methods
- isQuoteCartEnabled
description: check if request a quote is enabled. Includes check for customer group
- quoteCart (cartId: String!)
description: return information about the specified shopping cart
- customerQuoteCart
description: return information about the customer's quote cart
- createEmptyQuoteCart (input: createEmptyQuoteCartInput)
description: create an empty quote cart for a guest or logged in user
- addProductsToQuoteCart (quoteId: String!)
description: add any type of product to the quote cart
- updateQuoteRemarks (quoteId: String!)
description: update customer remarks
- removeItemFromQuoteCart (input: RemoveItemFromCartInput)
description: delete the entire quantity of a specified item from the quote cart
- updateQuoteItemsInCart (input: UpdateQuoteItemsInput)
description: modify items in the cart
- clearQuote (quoteId: String)
description: remove all quote items from quote cart
- submitQuote (input: SubmitQuoteInput)
description: submit quote
- mergeQuotes (sourceQuoteId: String!)-
description: transfer the contents of a guest quote into the cart of a logged-in customer
- removeQuoteFromCart (cartId: String!)
description: remove all quote items, which moved to cart
- moveInCart (quoteUid: String!)
description: move approved quote to shopping cart
- moveInQuote (quoteId: String!)
description: move items from shopping cart to current quote
- cancelQuote (quoteUid: String!)
description: cancel quote
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