How to install a specific version of the extension?

How to install a specific version of the extension?

Kindly note that older versions of the modules may miss some features that are presented on their product pages. Moreover, we can't guarantee their stability, correct performance, and effective result. We don't provide support for older versions of the modules either. Amasty always recommends updating extensions and Magento itself to their latest versions, as it ensures security, helps to avoid issues, and contributes to keeping the business up-to-date with all the recently-released features.

If upgrading Magento is not an option right now, you have the opportunity to install an older version of the extension. Composer enables the installation of a specific version of the module using the following command:

composer require amasty/module-name:1.2.3

Instead of 1.2.3, specify the exact module version you wish to install.

If you need to install the extension via manual file upload, we can send a package with a specific version. Please contact us specifying the name of the extension, current Magento and PHP versions.