LESS issue on static content deploy. How to resolve it?

LESS issue on static content deploy. How to resolve it?

The below error when running a bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy command implies that the child theme is not utilizing the Magento LESS to CSS compilation: 

Compilation from source: /srv/public_html/vendor/amasty/module-name/view/base/web/css/source/mkcss/ammodule.less
Unable to get content for 'frontend/Vendor/theme/en_US/../../../lib/css/source/lib/_lib.less'

It can be resolved by following the steps below.

Step 1. In the terminal, open the root Magento directory.

Step 2. Navigate to the directory of the affected module ( vendor/amasty/module-name or app/code/Amasty/ModuleName ) and open the registration.php file. It will contain the module name in the needed format; please copy it for further use.

Step 3. From the module directory, go to the following path: mview/frontend/web/css/source/mkcss and find a file of a similar format:  ammodule.less (e.g. ambrand.less); save its name and copy its content for further use.

Step 4. Navigate to the directory of the theme; it can be found at /app/design/vendor/theme (e.g. app/design/SmartWave/Porto ).

Step 5. There, using the previously copied module and .less file names, create an Amasty_ModuleName/web/css/source/mkcss/ammodule.less file.

Step 6. After that, copy the content of the ammodule.less file from the module folder to the newly created file, and add two "steps" (../../) to the path of _lib.less and  _responsive.less

The file contents should look as follows (the underlined elements in bold are the added ones):

// Generating css file. Path from vendor/magento/theme-frontend-blank
@import (reference) '../../../../../lib::css/source/lib/_lib.less'; // Library files
@import (reference) '../../../../../lib::css/source/lib/_responsive.less'; // Global responsive
@import '../_module.less';

After completing the steps, the deploy command should run successfully.

Note that the result may depend on some instance-specific peculiarities. Please contact us if the instructions do not help.
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