I upgraded the edition of my module, but the notice in my Magento admin area still mentions the old module edition and says that it has been cancelled, how to resolve that?
It is expected for the subscription of the old module edition to be marked as Cancelled, as it is replaced with new subscription for the upgraded edition (for example, if you upgraded from Pro to Premium). In order to eliminate the warning that is displayed in your admin area, you can remove the package with the old module edition from your instance. This is a wrapper package that doesn't contain any functionality inside, so, if you already have an upgraded package installed, removing the old package shouldn't influence the environment.
You can delete the package following these steps:

Make sure that you're removing only the wrapper package, and not the base packages with main module functionality. Wrapper packages normally mention module edition and subscription in their name (for example, Pro, Pro Subscription Package, Cloud Pro, etc.)
- Check that you already have the package with upgraded module edition installed;
- Create backups of your root Magento directory files in case any changes need to be reverted;
- Remove the package with the old edition:
- If you install modules manually via app/code directory, simply remove the folder from app/code/Amasty;
- If you're using composer to install modules, run this command, using the name of the old package instead of amasty/package-name:
composer remove amasty/package-name
Run the following commands for your instance to run properly after removing the package:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy