I try to run diagnostics, but I get the error Quota exceeded for quota metric 'Queries' and limit 'Queries per minute'. How to resolve?

I try to run diagnostics, but I get the error Quota exceeded for quota metric 'Queries' and limit 'Queries per minute'. How to resolve?

Sometimes it may happen that you try to diagnose the website speed using the built-in Google PageSpeed Insights tool and receive this error. 

This error generally appears due to the Google API, since the extension sends a request to this address: https://www.googleapis.com/pagespeedonline/v5/runPagespeed and simply adds a GET parameter with a website URL as follows: https://www.googleapis.com/pagespeedonline/v5/runPagespeed?url=https://www.example.com/ 

To successfully run the diagnostics, it's recommended to make a short pause of about 10 minutes between requests to make sure that Google doesn't throw the error again. Alternatively, you may try analyzing the speed using Google PageSpeed Insights directly. It is also a more detailed way of measuring the speed.