I have optimized the images, but their resolution is low. What can I do?

I have optimized the images, but their resolution is low. What can I do?

To achieve lossless compression, it's possible to select 100% quality while creating an optimization pattern in Image Optimizer → Image Folder Optimization settings.

This setting helps preserve the pixel density of the image and achieve the highest image resolution. Also, please, keep in mind that by default, the compression quality of WebP images is set to 75%. However, this setting may be changed by adjusting the Amasty_Image_Optimizer_module_directory/Model/Command/Cwebp.php file. To make adjustments, find this part: 

Then, make the necessary changes referring to this guide. For example, to achieve 95% compression quality, the result may be as follows:

Please note that these changes are applicable to other libraries as well.