Product attributes are not being added or visible in the "By Product Attributes" report's dropdown. How do I add them?

Product attributes are not being added or visible in the "By Product Attributes" report's dropdown. How do I add them?

The "By Product Attributes" report offers an opportunity to learn which product configurations generate more conversions. This report can be conveniently filtered by individual product attributes.

Here's how to ensure your attributes appear in the dropdown menu for sorting:

1. Navigate to Stores > Product > Add New Attribute and open the settings of the attribute wish to include in the dropdown.
2. In the Properties tab, for Catalog Input Type, select one of the following options: Text, Swatch, Dropdown, or Visual Swatch.

3. In Storefront Properties, enable Use in Search and Visible in Advanced Search options.

4. Run the following commands in the root Magento directory:
php bin/magento index:reindex
php bin/magento cache:flush

Important Note: For accurate and up-to-date statistics, or after installing the module, navigate to Reports > Refresh Statistics and update the statistics. If this action has not been performed before, statistics may not be displayed at all.