I'd like to apply discounts to gift cards. How can I do that?

I'd like to apply discounts to gift cards. How can I do that?

The functionality of applying cart price rules is available in the Pro and Premium tariffs of the module, and the rule can be set in the Admin Panel in Marketing → Cart Price Rules.

If you'd like to upgrade to the Pro or Premium version of the module, please contact our Support Team.

To permanently sell gift card products for a price lower than their value, you may also use the Fee for Purchase functionality, available in all Gift Card tariff options. In Catalog → Products, select the Gift Card product and open its edit page. Scroll down to the Amasty Gift Card Prices tab and check the Enable Fee for Purchase setting. 

The module offers two fee calculation options: percent and fixed. Select the option you find most suitable. 

Using a positive value will add the fee to the gift card value, making the price higher. To make the price lower than the card's actual value, enter a negative value in the Specify Fee Value field and save the product. 

On the storefront, the prices will show correspondingly now.