Once the feed is created in the Magento, you can upload it to the Google Merchant, following these simple steps.
1. Create a feed in your personal Google Merchant account by navigating to Products and clicking Add Products. Select the option Add products from a file and choose how to share your file with Merchant Center:
You may check the details for the SFTP connection here:
2. Specify the feed file name.

Note: the feed in Google Merchant should have the same file name as the feed in Magento. See an example on the screenshots below
3. Specify the basic information for that feed: country of sale, language in the same tab:
4. Once done, please click Continue. In the Data Source Setup, specify the feed name. You just need to paste here the name of the feed from the file column on the Magento product feed grid:
In the example below, it goes as follows:
This way, after the feed's generation, the file will be successfully uploaded to Google Merchant Center via SFTP automatically:
If the feed is not updated, kindly make sure that the SFTP credentials are specified in the FTP settings tab of the feed. The path to Google servers is always a root path that could be marked as a slash.