How to resolve the "No Products Found" error on the products grid?

How to resolve the "No Products Found" error on the products grid?

If you encounter the "No Products Found" message on the Products grid in our application, you'll need to sync your products with our solution. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Go to your Shopify Admin and navigate to Online Store > Themes.
2. Go to the Product page  > Choose the Default Product option.
3. Add Lowest Price Block:
a) On the left sidebar, find 'Product information', then click 'Add block'.
From the list, select the Lowest Price App block.

c) Use drag-and-drop to position this block where you want the 'Lowest Price' to display, such as below the main product price.

Save your changes to ensure the block is added to all your products.

As the next steps, sync your products under Apps > Omnibus Price Tracker and click Next on the homepage. Follow the prompts to sync your products.

After synchronization, you'll be ready to proceed with further configuration of the Price History Block.