How to proceed if I need to update Amasty Base extension?
To finish license registration for your account, you need to enter your Instance Registration Key into our Base module functionality that becomes available with v.1.16.0 and newer. In order to check your Base module version and its latest version currently available, follow these steps:
- Run the following command to check what version of Base module is currently installed and what version is currently considered the latest one:
composer show -a amasty/base
- A list with module versions will appear. The first number in the list is the latest version available, while the number highlighted in green is the version installed in your Magento:
- Request the download of the latest Base version by running the command below - replace x.x.x in it with the actual latest version that you found:
composer require amasty/base:x.x.x
- Run the following commands from your root Magento directory afterwards for the changes to come into effect:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Please note that manual module update and installation have been deprecated in the platform, and all Amasty extensions are available for installation via composer only. Thus, if module update is required, the package needs to be removed from app/code/Amasty and installed via composer instead. If Base module was installed manually in your Magento, you can check currently used version in the file app/code/Amasty/Base/composer.json:
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