In accordance with our security policy, we do not accept external SSH keys that are provided by outside means, such as an attachment to the ticket, email, archive, link, etc. To connect to customer servers, we use keys (both public and private) generated by secure forms, which we use to safely store such data.Generating the public key
Step 1. When contacting our support specialists via a created ticket, you will be sent a secure link, which you need to open to fill in the access credentials. Proceed via this link and enter the data (such as Magento admin area access details, hostname, SSH port, etc.).
Step 2. After specifying the credentials, please select Key in Magento file access section → Authorization Type.
Step 3. Press the Secure Submit button at the bottom of the page when you're ready.
Step 4. You will see a box with the generated public key, which you need to place on your server and authorize.
Adding the public key to the server:
Step 1. Navigate to the /home/*sshusername*/.ssh
server folder and find the authorized_keys
Step 2. Copy the contents of the box with the public key, or, if you downloaded it as a .pub
file, the content of the downloaded file, into the authorized_keys
file, and save the changes.
That's it! Now we will be able to connect to your server.