How to fix the errors while importing CSV with the shipping table rates?

How to fix the errors while importing CSV with the shipping table rates?

If you are facing difficulties with importing a CSV file, it is necessary to check if the following conditions are met:

1. The country spelling in the CSV file is identical to the spelling of country names at Stores → Configuration → General → General → Country Options:

2. The state spelling in the CSV file is identical to the spelling of states in the dropdown via the following path - Sales → Shipping Table Rates → Shipping Method → Methods and Rates → Add New Rate:

3. Values in the Shipping Type column of your CSV file have been previously added to the values of the am_shipping_type attribute. The attribute is located at Stores → Attributes → Product Attributes:

4. There are no logic mistakes in the Price, Weight, and Qty columns. For example, the incorrect setup would be weight range specified from 100 kg to 50 kg:

5. Before importing the rates, make sure you've created a shipping method to which the import actions will be applied:

A new shipping method can be created at Sales → Shipping Table Rates → Add New:

If none of these recommendations help, please feel free to
contact us.