How to display different banners over time?

How to display different banners over time?

With the use of rotating banners, you can maintain a dynamic and engaging digital presence, and our extensions may assist you with that.

In case you're aiming to schedule your banners to appear at particular times, the Promo Banners extension out-of-the-box should meet your requirements. To achieve the desired result, navigate to the General settings of your banner at Marketing > Promo Banners and use the From Date and To Date options. They enable your chosen banner during the specified time period, ensuring your content is relevant and timely.

Meanwhile, if you need is to rotate banners within seconds, please refer to the Banner Slider module. It allows transitting banners smoothly, enhancing user engagement with eye-catching visuals.

If you have further questions on the modules' options, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team.

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