How to disable filter by category?
Like the default Magento, the Improved Layered Navigation module allows disabling filtering by category. To do that, navigate to Magento Admin Panel → Stores → Configuration → Amasty Extensions → Improved Layered Navigation → "Category" Filter. Setting the option to No will remove the category filter options across the webshop.
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How to disable Improved Layered Navigation on a specific store?
For multistore installations, this option is not covered. Although the settings for the Improved Layered Navigation module can be configured individually for each store view, the module cannot be disabled on a store view basis.
How to hide a specific category from a category filter?
To hide a specific category from the Category filter, navigate to categories configuration page (Catalog → Categories), choose the required category and expand the Display Settings tab. There you will find the Exclude from Category Filter setting.
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