How to create flexible subscription plans?

How to create flexible subscription plans?

Our Subscriptions & Recurring Payments has a ready set of sample subscription plans, however, you can always create new ones that might be more suitable for your needs. To create a new subscription plan, please go to Magento Admin Panel > Amasty Extensions > Subscriptions & Recurring Payments > Subscription Plans > Add New Plan:

Each plan will have the same list of major settings:

  1. Status. If you need to hide the plan, select Suspended, otherwise select Active to show it in the store;
  2. Billing Frequency. Enter the number of days/weeks/months/years each cycle will repeat after, only integers are allowed;
  3. Billing Frequency Unit. You can select one unit per one plan: choose Day, Week, Month, or Year to decide which units will be calculated for creating recurring orders;
  4. Enable Free Trials. If this setting is set to Yes, subscription products will be added to your customers' cart at a zero price;
  5. Number of Trial Days. This option is only used if free trials are enabled, you'll need to enter the number of days (no other units, e.g. weeks or months, available) during which customers won't pay for their subscription. Once this number of days passes, customers will be charged full price for their subscription, and a cycle defined in Billing Frequency fields will start;
  6. Charge Initial Fee. You can enable it if you'd like to charge your customers a one-time payment that will be added to their order during subscription creation. This fee won't be repeated in recurring orders;
  7. Initial Fee Type/Amount. Select either Fixed Amount or Percent of Product Price and enter the required amount. In case you have a mixed cart with regular and subscription products, percent will be calculated for subscription products only);
  8. Offer Discounted Prices to Subscribers. If you want to offer discounts for subscription products as long as a subscription in question is active and recurring orders are created, you can enable this feature;
  9. Discount Type/Amount. Just as in Initial Fee, you can set it to be Fixed Amount, or Percent of Product Price. Same rules apply, discounts can be integers only, and percent discounts will be calculated based on original prices of subscription products;
  10. Limit the Number of Discounted Cycles/Number of Discounted Cycles. If you want to offer discount for first N orders within one specific subscription your customer placed order for, enable this setting and enter the number of orders that will contain the discount within one subscription.

Now, once you've set up your plans and saved them, you need to make sure they're visible to customers, there's a lot of flexibility to that as well. First of all, please go to Amasty Extensions > Subscriptions & Recurring Payments > Global Subscription Settings and decide what plans will be visible for all subscription products. In the Subscription Plans Available to Customers field, please specify the plans that will be visible for all subscription products you've enabled in your store:

However, there might be cases when specific products in your store would require a different billing cycle. Let's say you sell fruit and vegetables and use a weekly subscription cycle in your general settings. However, you also sell milk and would like to offer a daily billing cycle for milk only. What you'll need to do is to set up custom subscription settings for one product. To do that, please go to Catalog > Products, open the required product and navigate to the Subscription Settings tab:

In this case, we want to use a subscription plan that would be different from the ones that are offered for the rest of the products, so you'll need to select Yes, use custom subscription settings and select the plan you wish to apply from the Subscription Plans Available to Customers field. Once product settings are saved, only the plan(s) defined in product settings will be visible to customers.