How can I check the current version of my Amasty extension?

How can I check the current version of my Amasty extension?

Verifying the version of an Amasty extension can be done through multiple methods.

Method #1. Magento admin

You can easily check the version of an installed extension through the Magento admin panel. For that, navigate to Stores → Configuration → Amasty Extensions → Products and Notifications → Installed Extensions. There you will find the list of your Amasty extensions along with their current versions:

Method #2. Composer file

It's also possible to find the version of the extension installed on your Magento in its composer.json file. It's located at:
⇾ Magento-root-directory/vendor/amasty/[extension-name] - for packages installed via Composer;
 Magento-root-directory/app/code/Amasty/[ExtensionName] - for packages installed manually.

Method #3. CLI commands

To view the contents of the composer.json file, you can use the following command in the command-line interface (CLI)

cat vendor/amasty/[extension-name]/composer.json

Alternatively, you can use the below command to directly retrieve the installed version:

composer show -a amasty/[extension-name]

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