How to cancel project sharing with another account?

How to cancel project sharing with another account?

Canceling project sharing is possible from the Project Owner account at
If a project is unshared with a certain License Owner account that assigned extensions to the shared project in the past, Project Owner account won't be able to register previously added extensions or download them via Composer anymore. Unsharing a project means that you're fully revoking access to that project for the License Owner account, and it'll disappear from their License Registration tab. 
After logging into the Project Owner account, navigate to License Registration tab and click on Share link next to the project you'd like to manage:
In the pop-up that opens, find the License Owner account you'd like to stop sharing the project with, and click on Unshare link next to account email:
Confirm your action by pressing Continue in the next step:
A success message will appear, proving that the project has been unshared and access to it has been revoked from the License Owner account: