How to add the Cookie Setting link to a website's footer?

How to add the Cookie Setting link to a website's footer?

By default, the Cookie Settings link is added to the footer automatically as soon as the module is installed. However, themes, customizations, etc. may affect this and prevent the link from appearing automatically. To manually add the Cookie Settings link to the footer of your website, you may follow the steps below.

Step 1. In Content → Pages, create a Cookie Settings page and edit it with Page Builder. 

Step 2. Add the HTML Code element and click on the Edit option. 

Step 3. Add the Cookie Settings widget via the Insert Widget button and save the configurations.  

Step 4. Navigate to Content > Blocks, choose a suitable footer block and edit it with Page Builder.

Step 5. Add an HTML link to the Cookie Settings page with a data-amcookie-js="footer-link" attribute.

On the storefront, it will look and work as follows: 

Customers will be able to edit cookie settings right in the popup: 

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