How do I approve and manage affiliate accounts?

How do I approve and manage affiliate accounts?

From version 2.3.0, the store admin can approve customers manually, as well as specify the exact customer groups which members are allowed to request for applying to the Affiliate Program. The features are available within an active subscription and are added via the following submodule: 


Hiding the Affiliate Application form

Once the module is installed, a new option called Hide Sign Up Block for is added to Stores > Configuration > Amasty Extensions > Affiliate > General Settings. Here you may specify the exact customer groups, the Affiliate Account tab will be hidden for.

Please keep in mind that all the old participants of the affiliate programs will be kept active even if their customer group is blocked.

Affiliate Request Approval

The extension allows specifying whether affiliates should be approved automatically or if the admin's confirmation is required. The behavior is managed from Stores > Configuration > Amasty Extensions > Affiliate > Account via the Affiliate Approval Mode option:

In case the Affiliate Approval Mode = Manually option is set, after applying to the program, affiliates will see the notification that their request is being reviewed. And admin will see all the incoming requests in the Pending Approval status in Marketing > Manage Accounts:

To approve the account, an admin can edit it directly or use the Mass Actions option, where:
  1. Enable should be used for the approval;
  2. Reject should be used to reject an account.
In case the active account needs to be blocked due to some reasons, an admin can switch the status in the same tab.

Displaying Specific Programs to Different Customers

The store admin can create as many affiliate programs as required. However, sometimes it is needed to restrict a particular program for the specific affiliates. With the use of our extension (both subscription and non-subscription versions), you can display affiliate programs only in the accounts of particular affiliate customers. To achieve the desired result, the Customers and Customer Groups functionality should be enabled in Marketing > Manage Programs > *required program*:

Please refer to a dedicated post to see more details about these settings.