For the correct extension performance, do we need just to configure the Google Page Speed Optimizer extension or something else should be done?
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What PageSpeed Insights metrics does Google Page Speed Optimizer cover?
The Google Page Speed Optimizer extension is designed to optimize images and code, which can help to improve certain PageSpeed Insights metrics and enhance the overall website performance. Our extension guarantees up to 97% rating if the fast server ...
How to optimize images using Google Page Speed Optimizer extension?
In order to optimize images using Google Page Speed Optimizer extension, first, you need to create WebP copies and make sure they are displayed on the frontend. Please follow the steps below to create WebP copies of the images. Step 1. In Amasty → ...
For the image optimization, do we need running optimization all the time when the new image is uploaded?
According to the extension’s functionality, all newly uploaded images will be optimized automatically. Make sure to enable the following setting in Stores > Configuration > Amasty Extensions > Image Optimizer > Automatic Optimization of the Newly ...
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The Image Optimizer inside Jet Theme is a Lite version of any optimizer-type modules. So, considering you have the Google Page Speed Optimizer extension, it leads over the optimizer settings inside the Jet Theme. If you have already installed, or are ...
What is the difference between Lazy Load and Google Page Speed Optimizer extensions?
There are two landing pages created for marketing purposes: Lazy Load and Google Page Speed Optimizer. However, both landing pages represent the same extension. Regardless of the landing page, there are three optimizer versions that we offer: Google ...