Does Instagram Feed work with multiple Instagram Accounts?

Does Instagram Feed work with multiple Instagram Accounts?

Amasty Instagram Feed uses generation of tokens to connect a Magento 2 store with an Instagram account. The module supports work both with a single Instagram page and with multiple Instagram accounts. In case it is necessary to display posts from different Instagram accounts, one should follow the steps below:

Step 1. To generate the first token, it is necessary to proceed to Stores → Configuration → Amasty Extensions → Instagram Feed and click Generate Access Token.

Step 2. For the second token, select the Scope in the upper-left corner and confirm the scope switching in the popup.

Step 3. Untick the Use Website checkbox next to the Access Token field and generate an access token for the selected scope, e.g. store view.

  1. Support for multiple Instagram accounts is introduced in Instagram Feed 2.1.5 and newer releases. In case you encounter an error while token generation, please make sure your module is updated.
  2. Instagram accounts should be associated with different Facebook accounts. In case a few Instagram accounts are linked to the same Facebook account, the token will not be generated.