Configured expand logic doesn’t work on the frontend. How to fix?

Configured expand logic doesn’t work on the frontend. How to fix?

Improved Layered Navigation provides the flexibility to set the filters to either be expanded or collapsed when the page is loaded, and this option can be set independently for different devices. There are three available options:
  1. Auto — usually, this is a collapsed state for the filter. With this option applied, expand behavior depends on the theme settings;
  2. Expand for desktop and mobile — on page loading, the filter will be expanded on desktop and mobile devices;
  3. Expand for desktop only — the filter will keep the collapsed state on mobile devices, while loading expanded on desktops.

Although the theme should only affect the Auto behavior of Improved Layered Navigation, it is possible that it may interfere with other options or cause all filters to be expanded. If you've faced such an issue, try disabling the theme to check if it affects the display of the filters on the frontend. To get assistance with adjusting the theme, please contact our support team.