Letters are replaced with the question marks in the PDF. How do I fix it?

Letters are replaced with the question marks in the PDF. How do I fix it?

The issue is rooting in the DOMPDF library our extension is built on. Sometimes it fails to recognize specific fonts or locales. In order to fix this, you need to embed an external font in the template.

If you're facing difficulties with the Chinese locale, please navigate to Marketing → PDF Templates → open the template and add the following code in the Template Styles block:

@font-face {
      font-family: font-extra;
      src: url( https://github.com/googlefonts/chinese/blob/gh-pages/fonts/SetoFont/setofont.ttf?raw=true) format('truetype');
      *{ font-family: font-extra !important;}

In case there's a problem with Arabic characters, please open the template and update the Template Styles block with the code below:

@font-face {
      font-family: El Messiri;
      src: url(https://github.com/Gue3bara/El-Messiri/blob/master/fonts/ttf/ElMessiri-Bold.ttf?raw=true format('truetype');}
      * { font-family: DejaVu Sans, sans-serif; }