How to check my Magento version and edition (Commerce/Enterprise or Open Source/Community)?

How to check my Magento version and edition (Commerce/Enterprise or Open Source/Community)?

There are at least four simple ways to learn the current version of a Magento instance. 

Method #1. Admin panel 

Login to your Magento admin panel and scroll down any backend page to see the version in the bottom right corner:

Although the edition is not specified here, it's still possible to know whether you use Magento Commerce or Open Source by simply checking the features via the admin panel. Magento Commerce has extra features that Magento Open Source doesn't offer. Check out the full list of additional Commerce features and compare them to the ones you have in your store: if you find at least one default feature from the list, you have Magento Commerce. 

Method #2. Website URL

Add /magento_version to your site domain (e.g. in the browser search bar and press Enter. The page will result to the Magento version and its edition.

Method #3. Composer.json file

Navigate to the root Magento folder and open the composer.json file. There you will find the information about your Magento instance, including the version and edition. 

Method #4. Command-line interface

To verify the Magento version via CLI, use the command below: 

php bin/magento --version

Alternatively, it's possible to check the content of the composer.json file via CLI and find the information in regard to Magento version and edition. For Magento version, the command is as follows:

composer licenses | grep Version:

To check the edition, run the below command: 

composer licenses | grep Name: