Can I send you the files of my website to investigate the issue instead of giving SSH access?

Can I send you the files of my website to investigate the issue instead of giving SSH access?

We can work with customer instances by deploying them in our local environment, so you can send us the archived files of your root Magento directory and database the following way:

Step 1. Go to your root Magento directory via CLI and run this command that will create website dumps:

tar -czvf ~/amdump.tar.gz --exclude=var/cache --exclude=var/session --exclude=var/log --exclude=var/tmp --exclude=var/export --exclude=var/report --exclude=var/backups --exclude='media/import' --exclude=media/tmp --exclude=media/downloadable --exclude=media/catalog . && echo OK

Step 2. In the same directory, run the following command to create database dumps:

mysqldump --add-drop-table -u your_user -p your_host > ~/am_db_dump.sql

Replace the highlighted above words your_user and your_host with your real database username and hostname. If you don't know where to find them, you can look them up in the following file:


Step 3. Go to the root directory of your server and download the files amdump.tar.gz and am_db_dump.sql that were created in the previous steps. You can do that via FTP connection to the server, or via your hosting panel;

Step 4. Upload the archived dumps into any file-sharing solution of your choice (for example, Google Drive or Dropbox), and send us the links to the files inside your reply in a related ticket.

To ensure that your data is secure, we guarantee that the provided files will be removed within 7 days after a ticket is closed. Additionally, we can deploy the reduced database of the instance: you can remove customer and order data from the dumps in advance and send us such edited file. If required, we're also ready to sign an NDA by request.

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