Can a post be published again using the AutoPost: Social Media AI Post application?

Can a post be published again using the AutoPost: Social Media AI Post application?

Once a post has been published through the application, it cannot be published again. If you wish to republish a post or post it multiple times, you can do this by using Automations feature.

To set up an automation for reposting:

1. Go to the “Automations” page:

2. Create a new automation rule:

You can choose between targeting a specific product or setting conditions for your automations:
  1. Select one product - choose a product for your automation rule to include in your post(s).
  2. Select conditions - set the conditions for your automation rule. Available conditions include:
    1. Product creation time (within the last x hours)
    2. Product update time (within the last x hours)
    3. Product title contains (enter text)

3. Select a required template and republishing on schedule for your automation:

This allows you to automate repeated posts according to your schedule.