Blog Pro | GraphQL methods

Blog Pro | GraphQL methods


  1. amBlogSetting
    description: get blog pro module settings

  2. amBlogPost (id: Int, urlKey: String)
    description: get post information about a post by ID

  3. amBlogPosts (type: AmBlogPageType, page: Int, entityId: Int)
    description: get an array of posts by page number

  4. amBlogPostsByIds (ids: [Int])
    description: get an array of posts by ID

  5. amBlogPostsByCategoryId (categoryId: [Int])
    description: get an array of posts by category ID

  6. amBlogPostsSearch (page: Int, query: String)
    description: get post search queries

  7. amBlogComments (postId: In, type: String)
    description: get blog comments by post ID

  8. amBlogCategory (id: Int)
    description: get information about blog category by ID

  9. amBlogCategories 
    description: get blog categories

  10. amBlogChildCategories (id: Int)
    description: get child categories by category ID

  11. amBlogTags (postId)
    description: get blog tags by post ID

  12. amBlogAuthor
    description: get information about author by ID

  13. amBlogAuthors
    description: get information about all blog authors

  14. amBlogCategoriesWidget (id: Int)
    description: get Amasty Blog Categories widget

  15. amBlogFeaturedPostsWidget (id: Int)
    description: get Amasty Blog Featured Posts widget

  16. amBlogRecentCommentsWidget (id: Int)
    description: get Amasty Blog Recent Comments widget

  17. amBlogRecentPostsWidget (id: Int)
    description: get Amasty Blog Recent Posts widget

  18. amBlogTagsWidget (id: Int)
    description: get Amasty Blog Tags widget

  19. amBlogRelatedPosts (productId: Int!)
    description: get information about related posts by product ID

  20. amBlogPostRelatedProducts (postId: Int!)
    description: get information about related products by post ID


  1. AmBlogLeaveComment (input: AmBlogLeaveCommentInput)
    description: leave a comment to the post

  2. AmBlogLeaveVote (input: AmBlogLeaveVoteInput)
    description: leave a vote to the post
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