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I keep my extensions under different amasty.com accounts. How do I manage the Composer keys?
Composer keys can’t be transferred or united once they're created. However, as an alternative option, you can create a License Registration project in one of your amasty.com accounts that will have its own composer keys, and share that project with ...
How to grant SSH access to my server if I'm using SSH keys on it?
In accordance with our security policy, we do not accept external SSH keys that are provided by outside means, such as an attachment to the ticket, email, archive, link, etc. To connect to customer servers, we use keys (both public and private) ...
LESS issue on static content deploy. How to resolve it?
The below error when running a bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy command implies that the child theme is not utilizing the Magento LESS to CSS compilation: Compilation from source: ...
How to manage patches?
A “patch” is a compact representation of the differences between files, intended for use with line-oriented text files. It describes how to turn one file into another, and is asymmetric: the patch from file1 to file2 is not the same as the patch for ...
I used the Order Attributes on Magento 1 and recently I have migrated to Magento 2. How can I migrate the Order Attributes settings to the new instance?
There is no way to migrate the extension settings directly to a new environment. However, while migrating the data, you may refer to the following database tables storing Order Attributes M2 information: 1. eav_attribute 2. ...