Product Attachments for Siskiyou

Product Attachments for Siskiyou

Website link

Siskiyou spare parts for scientific equipment store

Extension name

Case description and configuration

Siskiyou needed to allow potential customers to download product documents and 3D models from our Magento powered website.

Module enabled, show product attachment tab, and added the attachments to products. We uploaded PDF files, and in addition, the Amasty team helped us with advice on how to allow .step file format for transfer of 3D models.

We also customized the extension to show the product attachments under the add-to-cart button at all times. Default functionality required the customer to click on a tab where the description is initially shown, we wanted our customers to have instant access to the files. 

General feedback and examples of the result

This module has automated and simplified delivery of product documentation to our customers, we now have instant access for any group of customers we choose to allow seeing our product documentation.

Customers can quickly access and download our product documentation in a variety of formats 24 hours a day, no customer contact required:

This Product Attachments use case is written based on the information provided by our client from the Siskiyou shop.