Jet Theme issue with 2.4.7

Jet Theme issue with 2.4.7

If i recall Jet theme is no longer being updated. so I am seeing if someone has found a fix to this. When attempting to upgrade to 2.4.7 and running php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
I get this error:
  1. Compilation from source: public_html/lib/web/mage/gallery/gallery.less
  2. ParseError: Unexpected input in _layout.less on line 13, column 22
  3. 11|
  4. 12| // Widths
  5. 13| @layout__max-width: {{width (layout_width)}};
  6. 14|
  7. 15| // Indents layout
  8. 16| @layout-indent__custom: {{width (indent_width)}};
  9. Error happened during deploy process: Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException::__construct(): Argument #1 ($phrase) must be of type Magento\Framework\Phrase, string given, called in public_html/vendor/magento/module-deploy/Service/DeployPackage.php on line 142
If I hard code the value into the max width and indent, this error goes and away and is replaced by

  1. Compilation from source: /public_html/lib/web/mage/gallery/gallery.less
  2. ParseError: Unexpected input in _colors-system.less on line 5, column 28
  3. 3| //  ____________________________________________
  4. 4|
  5. 5| @amtheme__primary__color: {{color (success_notification_color)}};
  6. 6| @amtheme__secondary__color: {{color (secondary_color)}};
  7. 7| @amtheme__outline__color: {{color (url_color)}};
  8. 8| @amtheme__text-primary__color: {{color (primary_font_color)}};
  9. Error happened during deploy process: Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException::__construct(): Argument #1 ($phrase) must be of type Magento\Framework\Phrase, string given, called in public_html/vendor/magento/module-deploy/Service/DeployPackage.php on line 142

Is there an easy fix that someone can point me toward? I assume it is related to the way the values are being pulled from the database. I don't know much about less files and variables used within less files. When I look into variables in less files I just find @ style coding. I can't find anything on {{}} use in less files.