Jet Theme | Changelog

Jet Theme | Changelog

v1.16.7 [Feb 16, 2023]
⇾ Fix: we improved compatibility with Amasty AJAX Shopping Cart, Multiple Wishlist, and Cookie Consent extensions
 Fix: we resolved the error that occurred when a newsletter block was added to a CMS page
 Fix: we added width and height attributes to images
 Fix: we resolved the issue with the product name disappearing in the sticky cart
 Fix: we adjusted the text of In Stock Alert email notifications
 Fix: we eliminated the infinite loading of the cart if a product qty is set to a value exceeding the available quantity
 Fix: we fixed the issue with the Details tab not hidden on mobile

v1.16.6 [Jun 08, 2023]
⇾ Compatibility: we improved compatibility with Magento 2.4.6
⇾ Fix: we fixed the error that appeared on adding configurable products to cart with PHP 8.2

v1.16.5 [Nov 15, 2022]
⇾ Fix: we fixed the errors that occurred after enabling custom colors and redeploying the static content
⇾ Fix: we resolved the issue with incorrect link in the Reset Password email
⇾ Fix: we eliminated the error with the deprecated trim() functionality
⇾ Fix: we improved the page scrolling when sticky menu is activated

v1.16.4 [Aug 18, 2022]
⇾ Compatibility: now the extension is compatible with Magento 2.4.5

v1.16.3 [Jun 21, 2022]
⇾ Improvement: we updated the extension system structure

v1.16.2 [Apr 19, 2022]
⇾ Compatibility: now our module is compatible with Magento 2.4.4, 2.4.3-p2 pre-release

v1.16.1 [Mar 09, 2022]
⇾ Compatibility: we ensured that our theme is compatible with the fresh new Magento 2.4.4-beta4 version.

v1.16.0 [Feb 22, 2022]
⇾ New: we added the possibility to change the width of the theme layout from the admin panel
⇾ New: now you can add more than one custom CMS block in our footer
⇾ Improvement: now the total number of items is displayed in the order summary block
⇾ Improvement: we enhanced the work of the Add to Wishlist and Add to Compare buttons
⇾ Improvement: now the color swathes are crossed, once the product is out of stock
⇾ Improvement: now you can close the review pop on the product page by clicking on any area
⇾ Improvement: we enhanced the display of product prices with or without VAT/taxes and discounts
⇾ Improvement: now the product images can be switched by hovering on the category page
⇾ Improvement: we enhanced the display of the default notification messages on all pages
⇾ Fix: we fixed the problems on the compare page once the Amasty Hide Price module installed
⇾ Fix: we eliminated the problem using the color schemes on child themes
⇾ Fix: we resolved the issue with the display of the blog menu in the header once Amasty Blog Pro installed
⇾ Fix: we fixed the problem of switching colors for products on the category page using the List view

v1.15.1 [Dec 20, 2021]
⇾ Compatibility: compatibility with Amasty Advanced Reviews was improved
⇾ Compatibility: we improved compatibility with the FAQ & Product Questions
⇾ Compatibility: we enhanced the compatibility with Amasty Automatic Related Products.
⇾ Compatibility: we boosted the compatibility with Product Attachments.
⇾ Fix: we fixed the issue with the footer logo not updating when the header image gets uploaded.
⇾ Fix: now the swatch tooltips are visible on Ajax Add to Carts and Quick View pop-ups.
⇾ Fix: we resolved the menu conflict when switching from desktop to mobile view.
⇾ Fix: we solved the case with Gallery overlapping short description on PDP.
⇾ Fix: we resolved the styling issue with the search icon on mobile checkout pages.
⇾ Fix: we fixed the styling issue with a longer wishlist name on mobile wishlist search pages.
⇾ Fix: we resolved the issue with social login icons alignment and visibility in the custom footer.
⇾ Fix: we fixed the conflict with the mini shopping cart when gift cards are added.
⇾ Fix: we solved the issue with some SVG icons not being loaded.
⇾ Fix: now the footer blocks and tooltips are all properly lined up when the custom footer is enabled.
⇾ Fix: we eliminated the issue when adding a product with file customizable options to the cart using Ajax Add to Cart/Quick View pop-up.
⇾ Fix: we solved the problem with the cart pop-up moving when the sticky header is enabled.

v1.15.0 [Dec 06, 2021]
⇾ New: now the header of the Jet Theme can be fully set up and customized
⇾ New: we added a feature of sharing wish list page links via email
⇾ Compatibility: we improved compatibility with Magento B2B
⇾ Compatibility: we reviewed compatibility with mobile and tablet views
⇾ Improvement: we reviewed the Color Scheme and Style Switcher settings
⇾ Improvement: we enhanced and added some settings responsible for the mobile logo image display
⇾ Improvement: now the Add to Wishlist/Compare buttons and star rating is visible on the products from the Amasty Tab Widget
⇾ Fix: we fixed the display of the Catalog Products List widget on the Checkout page
⇾ Fix: we resolved the styling issue with payment method icons when using Amazon Pay.
⇾ Fix: we eliminated the Catalog Product List layout issue on the Checkout Page

v1.14.0 [Nov 04, 2021]
⇾ New: now the Premium version of the theme comes with an option to set up Splide Image Gallery for the PDP.
⇾ Compatibility: we enhanced compatibility with the Infinite Scroll.
⇾ Improvement: we added the support of Ajax Add to Cart for the product list widgets.
⇾ Improvement: we reviewed the blocks' width on the Home Page.
⇾ Improvement: we optimized the performance of the theme.
⇾ Improvement: now you can enable the visibility of the product’s special price on the Shopping Cart and Mini-Cart.
⇾ Improvement: we added animation to the add to cart button when the product gets added to the cart.

v1.13.0 [Oct 14, 2021]
⇾ New: we added a 4-column layout display option for the PLP and redesigned the buttons to be fully compatible with it.
⇾ Compatibility: we enhanced the compatibility between Amasty Invisible Captcha and iOS devices.
⇾ Compatibility: we added the feature to configure a custom button for the PDP horizontal bar.
⇾ Compatibility: we improved compatibility with the Delivery Date Manager.
⇾ Compatibility: we reviewed compatibility with Magento 2.4.3-p1 and 2.3.7-p2.
⇾ Compatibility: compatibility with Amasty One Step Checkout was improved.
⇾ Compatibility: we enhanced the compatibility with Amasty Product Parts Finder.
⇾ Improvement: we enhanced the performance of the Payment Method and Social Login icons.
⇾ Improvement: we enhanced the display of the success message on PDP when AJAX Add to Cart and Sticky Add to Cart Panel - Horizontal bar is enabled.
⇾ Improvement: we changed the display of the PayPal button.
⇾ Improvement: we updated the search logic for the Shipping Address field.
⇾ Fix: we fixed the issue with overlapping when both Sticky Add to Cart and Sticky Minicart are enabled.
⇾ Fix: we fixed an error in Colour Scheme settings when entering non-Roman symbols.
⇾ Fix: we solved the issue when adding a configurable product from the related products block to the cart.
⇾ Fix: we resolved the styling issue with a longer quantity label on mobile checkout pages.
⇾ Fix: we resolved the Image Carousel conflict on mobile devices.

v1.12.3 [Aug 10, 2021]
⇾ Compatibility: now the extension is compatible with Magento 2.4.3, 2.4.2-p2, 2.3.7-p1
⇾ Compatibility: now the extension is compatible with Magento 2.4.3, 2.4.2-p2, 2.3.7-p1

v1.12.2 [Jul 19, 2021]
⇾ Improvement: we reviewed am-ajax-cart.js code
⇾ Fix: we fixed the display of the Related Products, Up-Sells, and Cross-Sells widgets
⇾ Fix: we solved the translation issue on the Shopping Cart page

v1.12.1 [Jun 22, 2021]
⇾ New: now our Jet Theme Pro and Premium versions come with Amasty Mega Menu Lite module
⇾ Compatibility: we improved compatibility with Amasty Advanced Product Reviews
⇾ Fix: we solved the problem with the error on the frontend after enabling the custom layout option for the custom footer
⇾ Fix: we fixed the display of the Quick View popup after enabling Amasty AJAX Shopping Cart
⇾ Fix: we eliminated the problem of the scroll image gallery thumbnails after choosing the Left option in the setting Show Image Gallery Thumbnails

v1.12.0 [Jun 10, 2021]
⇾ New: we added Non-Latin fonts to let you set up the custom fonts on your website
⇾ New: we developed the new option (horizontal bar) for the Sticky Add to Cart feature
⇾ Improvement: we enhanced the display of the New Address button on the Checkout Page
⇾ Improvement: we stylized the Gift Card page in the customer account
⇾ Improvement: we upgraded the Reward Points display on the Checkout Page for Magento Commerce
⇾ Fix: we moved our Amasty Jet Optimizer from the composer require section to the suggested section to allow this module to be disabled freely
⇾ Fix: we fixed the display of the Reviews tab on the Product Page
⇾ Fix: we solved the problem with the New Return creation after adding the Return Attribute for Magento Commerce

v1.11.0 [May 26, 2021]
⇾ New: now the theme comes with a fully customizable footer, so you can use a builder in the admin area to configure the footer display.
⇾ New: we added the Payment Method Blocks feature to let you add the available payment methods on your website
⇾ New: we developed Amasty Tab Widget, so you can show several tabs with the specified products in one widget
⇾ New: we added the Edit button for the items in the Mini Cart
⇾ Compatibility: we enhanced the compatibility with Amasty Improved Layered Navigation
⇾ Compatibility: we translation the compatibility with Amasty One Step Checkout
⇾ Improvement: we revised the settings for Sticky Header
⇾ Improvement: we reviewed the core Magento styles
⇾ Improvement: we enhanced the display of Magento Catalog New Products, Catalog Product List, Recently Viewed Products, and Recently Compared Products widgets on Jet Theme
⇾ Bug: we solved the problem with Show/Hide FIlters buttons translation

v1.10.0 [May 12, 2021]
⇾ New: we added the Global Style Switcher to let you apply different styles on your website
⇾ Compatibility: now you can use our theme with Magento 2.4.2-p1, 2.3.7 versions
⇾ Compatibility: compatibility with Amasty ILN Lite was improved
⇾ Improvement: we enhanced the display of the Magento b2b Company Profile page
⇾ Improvement: we enhanced the performance of Google Invisible reCaptcha

v1.9.0 [Apr 28, 2021]
⇾ New: now the extension comes with the Layout Switcher feature, so you can customize our theme on your website.
⇾ Improvement: we added the new tooltips to the Color Scheme settings.
⇾ Improvement: we enhanced the display of our Color Scheme Presets.
⇾ Fix: we resolved the problem with the italic font style while using Google Fonts.
⇾ Fix: we fixed the issue with the swatches from Shop by Brand module from Amasty.
⇾ Fix: we solved the problem with the quick view icon when the 3 columns layout is set.

v1.8.1 [Apr 13, 2021]
⇾ New: we added the possibility to change the Copyright text via the Custom Footer configurations
⇾ Improvement: we changed the display of the Quick View icon
⇾ Compatibility: compatibility with Amasty Order Attributes was improved
⇾ Fix: we enhanced the display of the Add to Wish List button on Category Page and in the Catalog Product List widget

v1.8.0 [Mar 24, 2021]
⇾ New: we added the Sticky Header feature to our Jet Theme
⇾ New: we developed the possibility to customize the footer
⇾ New: now our Jet theme goes with a separate setting to configure the background color for the social network link icons
⇾ New: we added the Ajax to Multiple Wish List functionality on Magento Commerce
⇾ New: we added the destination link to our image slider
⇾ Improvement: we enhanced the work of our mini-cart
⇾ Improvement: we added the display of the reviews block for the Cross-Sell products on the Shopping Cart page
⇾ Improvement: we enhanced the display of our Jet theme on Quick Order, Request a Quote Print, and My Order pages for Magento B2B
⇾ Fix: we fixed the issue with the error after disabling our Jet theme
⇾ Fix: we resolved the problem with changing the logo width
⇾ Fix: we removed the duplicated scroll on the Share Wish List page
⇾ Fix: we fixed the issue with opening the Style Guide once Magento JS and CSS modifications are enabled

v1.7.0 [Mar 11, 2021]
⇾ Compatibility: we made our Jet Theme compatible with Magento B2B functionality
⇾ Improvement: we enhanced the work of the modals

v1.6.2 [Mar 03, 2021]
⇾ Fix: we resolved the issue with the error message during the new social link creation in the admin panel

v1.6.1 [Mar 02, 2021]
⇾ Fix: we solved the problem with the error during the run of the setup:upgrade command

v1.6.0 [Feb 24, 2021]
⇾ New: we added our Lazy Load and Image Optimization to our Jet Theme to improve the theme performance
⇾ Improvement: we enhanced the work of our Social Networks Link functionality, so now you can add any social links to your store
⇾ Compatibility: we added the compatibility with Magento B2B functionality on the Requisition List and Company Account pages

v1.5.0 [Feb 10, 2021]
⇾ New: we made our theme completely compatible with Magento Enterprise Edition . Now you can experience all advantages of running our magnificent solution on your Magento Commerce instance.
⇾ New: we have developed Quick View functionality that allows to bring forward popup with product details directly on category and search result pages without sending your customers to product details page.
⇾ New: now Jet Theme goes with configurations for category and product pages so that you have control over these pages from one place in the back office.
⇾ Compatibility: we ensured that our theme is compatible with fresh new Magento 2.4.2 version.
⇾ Compatibility: we made Magento b2b wish lists compatible with our theme.
⇾ Fix: we fixed tax value being cropped in Related/Up-Sell/Cross-Sell Products blocks.
⇾ Fix: we fixed the layout for popup with adding grouped or bundle products to cart.

v1.4.1 [Jan 29, 2021]
⇾ Fix: we made the module compatible with Advance Search

v1.4.0 [Jan 27, 2021]
⇾ New: Now the extension comes with the Color Scheme Presets, so you can apply them to your store.
⇾ Improvement: We removed the code dedicated to supporting legacy Magento versions and refactored the rest to ensure maximal performance and improved stability with latest Magento versions.

v1.3.1 [Jan 14, 2021]
⇾ Fix: we moved our ILN Lite, Product Tabs, Thank You Page, and Google Invisible reCaptcha modules from the composer require section to the suggest section to allow these modules to be disabled freely

v1.3.0 [Dec 28, 2020]
⇾ New: now Jet Theme goes with our ILN Lite, Product Tabs, Thank You Page, and Google Invisible reCaptcha modules
⇾ New: we added the possibility to apply Color Scheme and Fonts per store views
⇾ Compatibility: we made the module compatible with the Gift Wrap feature for Magento Commerce
⇾ Fix: we changed the font color for the Out of Stock field

v1.2.3 [Dec 08, 2020]
⇾ New: we added the Address Search feature for Magento Commerce
⇾ New: now the extension comes with the full Gift Registry feature for Magento Commerce
⇾ New: we added MFTF Tests
⇾ Fix: we solved the issue with the z-index on forms from Amasty Google Invisible Recaptcha, GDPR extensions
⇾ Fix: we fixed the display of the Wish List icon
⇾ Fix: we removed the handling of all images in the media folder from the theme installation process

v1.2.2 [Nov 25, 2020]
⇾ New now the extension comes with Gift Registry functionality for Magento Commerce, so you can create the gift registry and add items to the gift registry on the Shopping Cart Page
⇾ New we added the Gift Registry Search widget for Magento Commerce
⇾ New we added the Order By SKU feature in the customer account for Magento Commerce
⇾ New we added the possibility to display the Order By SKU widget in the sidebar for Magento Commerce
⇾ Fix we resolved the issue with the display of the Styleguide once the setting Allow Access to Style Guide at Frontend set No
⇾ Fix we fixed the display of the Apply Discount Code field on the Checkout Page
⇾ Fix we resolved the issue with the access to the Jet Theme configuration for a restricted user role in the admin area

v1.2.1 [Nov 11, 2020]
⇾ Fix: we fixed the compatibility with Magento Commerce Gift Card functionality on the Shopping Cart page on Magento 2.3.5

v1.2.0 [Nov 10, 2020]
⇾ New: we added Google Fonts for you to set up the custom fonts on your website
⇾ New: the extension is compatible with Magento Commerce Gift Card functionality on Shopping Cart, Checkout, Account Information, and Product pages
⇾ Fix: we resolved the problem with the installation of the Sample Data
⇾ Fix: we eliminated the problem of the console errors on the Product Page
⇾ Fix: we fixed the display of the Social Network links in the Emails
⇾ Fix: we resolved the issue with adding product to Wish List after enabling the Ajax Add to Wishlist
⇾ Fix: we solved the problem with work of the Ajax Add to Cart functionality with the Gift Card products

v1.1.0 [Oct 28, 2020]
⇾ New: now the extension comes with Ajax functionality, so you can easily select configurable options and edit items in the pop-up before adding product to Cart, Wish List, or Compare List
⇾ Improvement: we enhanced the display of the View Order, Print Order, Send Invitations, and Order By SKU pages for Magento B2B
⇾ Improvement: now you can edit the product on the My Wish List page
⇾ Improvement: we added the Add to Cart button on the Compare Products Page
⇾ Fix: we solved the problem of displaying the Instance Purchase button on the Product Page
⇾ Fix: we resolved the problems that occurred during the Sample Data installation
⇾ Fix: we fixed the display of the color scheme settings in the Admin Panel, once \"Enable Custom Colors” is selected as No

v1.0.2 [Oct 13, 2020]
⇾ New: we added the less file to let you do customizations
⇾ Compatibility: we made the Jet Theme compatible with Magento 2.4.1
⇾ Improvement: we did the preload for the fonts to enhance the theme performance
⇾ Improvement: we added the Add To Cart button on the Category Page on the mobile view
⇾ Improvement: now you can add products from the Related Products/Up-Sell Products/Cross-Sell Products blocks to cart on the mobile view
⇾ Improvement: we enhanced the work of the Color Schema setting
⇾ Improvement: we added the View All button on the Recently Ordered block for the mobile and desktop views
⇾ Fix: we solved the problem with the console errors after the theme installation
⇾ Fix: we resolved the problem with the incorrect price display in the Related Products and Recently Viewed widgets
⇾ Fix: we eliminated the problem of the View and Edit Cart link in the mini cart

v1.0.1 [Sep 28, 2020]
⇾ Improvement: now you can add Related/Up-Sell/Cross-Sell products to the cart directly from the corresponding block
⇾ Improvement: we added the Add to Compare and Add to Wish List buttons to the products on the Category Page with the list view display
⇾ Improvement: we added the ''before body end'' and async load for the custom js files to improve performance
⇾ Fix: we resolved the problem with the error messages in the log files after the module installation via composer
⇾ Fix: we solved the issue with adding the products with custom options to the cart on Magento 2.4.0 EE version
⇾ Fix: we fixed the display of the quantity counter on the shopping cart page on the mobile view
⇾ Fix: we solved the problem with displaying the custom colors in the shopping cart
⇾ Fix: we resolved the problem with the filters on the Category Page
⇾ Fix: we eliminated the problem of the warning messages regarding the allowed quantity increment on the Product Page
⇾ Fix: resolved the issue with display of the Sample Data pictures on the Product Page