I'd Love to see this develop at Amasty:
The Idea:
Google Tag Manager Extension for Magento 2
How It Works:
Integrates Google Tag Manager, compatible with Amasty Extensions including Amp and optionally GDPR / Privacy Extensions (but realise tag / event firing could potentially just be controlled within google tag manager).
Expected Behaviour (and features):
Simple Tag Manager implementation from the back end, has the capability for all events such as add to cart, wishlist, compare, remove from cart, checkout, sending micro-data such as order values etc and product sku data to tag manager.
Additionally, the facility for a json import to google tag manager to import the events that google tag manager should monitor as this is a whole tricky area in itself supported on Magento commerce but not Community sadly it would be great this is included.
Primary use is for google analytics (GA4) through tag manager but additionally this has benefits for facebook pixel and anything else supported by google tag manager (affiliate awin, pinterest tag to name a couple).
Business Value:
Huge, this is a significant resource for monitoring website use, statistics and modernising one's site and tracking whilst remaining fully compliant with privacy / cookie laws, and GA4 is impressive!
Hope Amasty consider developing this!