Amasty shopby v2.22.0 Magento setup:di:compilercompilation error after composer install

Amasty shopby v2.22.0 Magento setup:di:compilercompilation error after composer install

Recently I installed the amasty module using composer install and then facing issue during bin/magento setup:di:compile, 
Following are the details

Magenot seutp : "magento/product-enterprise-edition": "2.4.6-p8"
Amasty modules ( in braces the actual version installed in composer.lock ):


Possible cause:
A new function introduced in Interface Amasty\ShopbyBase\Api\UrlBuilder\AdapterInterface

  1. public function isApplicable(string $routePath = null, array $routeParams = null): bool;

And following classes implements this interface without declaring the above function
Amasty\Shopby\Model\UrlBuilder\Adapter Thanks